With Kyra Sedgwick, Ashley Zukerman

Winner of the Audience Award at the 2024 Tribeca Film Festival, this comedy had New Yorkers in stitches with its pointed jabs at family dysfunction, religious disparity and sibling rivalry.  MEET THE PARENTS has nothing on this gem when the Upper West Side Gelflands invite the Midwestern Catholic family of their eldest son’s fiancée to a Shabbos dinner for a first social blending of the clans.  With tensions simmering, kosher klutziness and a prank gone wrong set the scene for chaos.  By the time that there’s a dead body on the bathroom floor it starts to look like Agatha Christie-meets-Woody Allen.  Kyra Sedgwick is a quirky standout as the obsessive Gelfland matriarch, and Cliff “Method Man” Smith of Wu Tang Clan excels as the doorman who goes the extra mile to be helpful.

“BAD SHABBOS is going to go down in cinematic history as one of the funniest films ever to take place during a Shabbos dinner.”–Danielle Solzman, Solzy at the Movies

“If one person behaved rationally in BAD SHABBOS the movie would end in 20 minutes with a 911 call: but that wouldn’t be a NYC story, and this most definitely is.” —Sherin Nicole, Alliance of Women Journalists

Daniel Robbins, director, and Adam Mitchell, producer, will be present for audience discussion.

Year: 2024

Runtime: 84 minutes + Q&A Session

Language: English

Country: USA

Genre: Comedy, Jewish, Family

Director: Daniel Robbins