You couldn’t have picked a better movie! Get ready to experience a range of emotions that only the magic of cinema can bring. The festival runs till March 11th, so check the other captivating films SASIFF has to offer. We look forward to seeing you!

Special guest Tanya Gersh

In Person Discussion with Audience!

Troll Storm

Tanya Gersh. A self-described apolitical soccer mom, Gersh’s ancestors fled Russia during the pogroms and her Brooklyn-born parents were part of the anti-war and civil rights movement. After helping the mother of notorious alt-right leader Richard Spencer she is accused of extortion and targeted by multiple death threats and a neo-Nazi website’s antisemitic “troll storm.” Despite the trauma, she fights back, filing a lawsuit against her detractors.

Year: 2023

Runtime: 83 minutes + QA Session

Language: English

Country: USA

Genre: Documentary, Jewish, First Amendment

Director: Eunice Lau